Create an AWS infrastructure defined as code, in seconds

Create a fully-working AWS infrastructure, defined as Terraform TypeScript code, in seconds

$ npm install --global

Who is Scaffold for?

Developers, startups, digital agencies or enterprises who don't want to start from scratch each time they have to create an infrastructure on AWS.

How does this work?

Choose an infrastructure in our catalog. Configure it using the Scaffold CLI. That's it! Scaffold is a framework for IAC build on top of Terraform and the CDKTF.


Choose an infrastructure in our catalog

What do you want to do? Deploying a static website? A Docker container?

$ scaffold aws:static-website
$ scaffold aws:serverless-docker

Configure your first environment

Dev, prod, stage? Same code but different configuration

$ scaffold init
No environments found. Creating a new one.
? Environment name: prod
AWS account
On which AWS account would you like to create this infrastructure?

Create your infrastructure

Create the resources for the configured environment

$ scaffold apply prod

That's it!

You now have a fully-working infrastructure created on your own AWS account and defined as TypeScript Terraform code.


Choose between an open-source plan or an enterprise one

Free / open-source

$ npm i -g

$89 / mo / infra

  • Priority support
  • Custom infrastructures catalog
  • Premium features (preview URLs for each PR...)
  • CI/CD for your infrastructure code